21-22 Schmidt Science Fellows Program (Spring 2022) - Blackbaud

21-22 Schmidt Science Fellows Program (Spring 2022) - Blackbaud

CS Deadline: 6/2022
Grad College Deadline: 6/2022

This award can go in Blackbaud

Schmidt Science Fellows Program – Postdoctoral Fellowships in Natural Sciences, Engineering, Math, & Computing

The Schmidt Science Fellows Program, in partnership with the Rhodes Trust (home of the prestigious Rhodes Scholarships), aims to develop the next generation of science leaders to transcend boundaries, advance discovery, and solve the world's most pressing problems.  Launched in 2017, the Schmidt fellowship offers and unique and unparalleled postdoctoral training opportunity.  Awardees receive a $100,000 stipend and the opportunity to undertake full-time postdoctoral study for at least one year in a world-leading laboratory in a field different from their existing field of expertise. The program intends to give the world's best aspiring scientific minds a broader perspective, the ability to engage in an interdisciplinary way, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact in society.  Fellows will be exposed to new topics, new ways of thinking, and new people that will help guide their future paths to success. 

The core of the program consists of a one-year postdoctoral experience in which Fellows conduct research in a field-leading laboratory where they will focus on a discipline in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, or computing that is different from their existing area of expertise. The goal of this "interdisciplinary pivot" is to introduce Fellows to the ideas, practices, methods, and cultures of other scientific disciplines, broadening the scope of their experience. Fellows will select their postdoctoral research laboratory with assistance from the Schmidt Science Fellows Program, the Rhodes Trust, and world-renowned researchers.

The program also allows Fellows to participate in its Global Meeting Series, a set of four conferences held around the world that bring together global thought leaders from science, technology, business, and government. See previous years' meetings here

The program targets students nearing completion of their PhDs. Applicants must have earned, or be scheduled to earn, their PhD between April 30, 2022 and September 30, 2023.

The Schmidt Family Foundation has invited only select universities to participate in the fellowship program, and the University of Illinois is one of those universities. We are allowed to submit nine representatives for consideration in the national competition, and the Graduate College will coordinate the campus competition to select those seven. The campus competition will operate via departmental nomination, and eligible departments may submit up to two nominations each.  

The program seeks individuals with a special degree of brilliance and inventiveness.  Specifically, it looks for applicants who demonstrate:

  • Extraordinary achievement - Clear record of academic achievement of the highest quality in the sciences and an extraordinary degree of intelligence.
  • Scientific curiosity - High degree of intellectual curiosity combined with energy and creativity, along with a record of continuous innovation and/or use of new technologies.
  • Alignment with the program - Interest in pursuing a year or more of postdoctoral study in a field different from the applicant's PhD discipline and a belief that interdisciplinary science and the taking of appropriate scientific risks are important to the advancement of discovery.
  • Collaborative spirit - History of effective collaboration with diverse team members.
  • Global ambition for social good - Desire to use one's personal talents and science to make a positive difference in society and the world.
  • Character and leadership - Genuine and demonstrable potential for science leadership; displaying perseverance, resilience, a moral compass, and a galvanizing force of personality.

The fellowship offers one year of support (additional support may be possible at the discretion of the Foundation). The award provides:

  • $100,000 stipend.
  • Allowance for personal travel.
  • Coverage of costs for global meetings (if held in-person).
  • Courses and hands-on research experiences at leading academic and research institutions.


  • Attend an eligible university.  The Schmidt program operates by invitation only, so only students at those invited universities are eligible for nomination. 
  • Receive a PhD in the natural sciences (astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences), engineering, mathematics, or computing between April 30, 2022 and September 30, 2023 (Schmidt uses the deposit date, not the conferral date, as the official date for receiving the PhD). 
  • Be available for the entire period of the 2022 program, from July 2022 to July 2023, including attendance at each Global Meeting (whether virtual or in-person, as conditions allow).
  • Be nominated by their university.


Students must be nominated by their department, and each eligible department may submit up to two nominations.

  1. Current CV/resume.
  2. Personal Statement (2 page maximum) - should explain why you are interested in the program and what the student aims to achieve during and after the program. The statement must be single spaced, in Times New Roman with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. Applicants should keep the evaluation criteria (listed above) in mind as they prepare their statements.

  3. Dissertation Summary (2 page maximum) - The summary must be single spaced, in Times New Roman with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. A supplemental one-page "References Cited" section is also allowed.

  4. Letters of recommendation - three, one of which must be from the advisor. Letters can be sent directly to Hannah at hpgorrie@illinois.edu.

  5. Current Illinois transcript (unofficial is acceptable, but official is preferred).
    Note: Students, submit ONE PDF named "Last Name, First Name - Schmidt S22." (example: Gorrie, Hannah - Schmidt S22). Letters of recommendation can be sent directly to Hannah at hpgorrie@illinois.edu.

Materials should be submitted by _________ to Hannah Gorrie.

For more details, see: