21-22 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award (Fall 2021)

21-22 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award (Fall 2021)

Department Deadline: 10//10/2021
External Deadline: 10/16/2021

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award

CRA's Outstanding Undergraduate Awards Program recognizes undergraduate students in North American universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research. Up to four CRA Undergraduate Researcher Awards will be made each year.  Each award recipient will receive financial assistance of up to $1,500 to attend a research conference of their choice.   In addition, some nominees will be designated as runners-up, finalists, and honorable mentions.  The award recipients, runners-up, finalists, and honorable mentions will be announced by e-mail in mid-December, will receive certificates of their awards, and will be recognized on CRA’s website..

Eligibility: Nominees must attend a university or college located in North America, be enrolled as an undergraduate for the entire 2021-2020 academic year (i.e. both semesters), and must be nominated by one faculty members and recommended by the chair of their home department. In the past, preference has been given to students in their senior year.

In addition to recognizing excellence in undergraduate research, CRA is committed to broadening the participation of individuals in traditionally underrepresented groups in computing fields.  CRA recognizes that students in different academic environments have different opportunities for research.  The selection committee will consider these factors in its evaluation; nominations can describe these factors in nominees’ personal statements or recommenders’ letters.  CRA strongly encourages departments to consider all aspects of diversity when selecting their nominees.

Departments that grant Ph.D.s in a computing field may nominate up to four students per year.

Apply via Blackbaud by Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 11:59 PM. If you are a new Blackbaud user, please consult this instructions page. Please contact Hannah Gorrie (hpgorrie@illinois.edu) with any questions.

For complete details, see: http://cra.org/crae/awards/cra-outstanding-undergraduate-researchers/