Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Program (Spring 2014)

Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Program (Spring 2014)

Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Program

CS Deadline: 3/19/2014
Eng. Deadline: 3/21/2014

See: https://wiki.engr.illinois.edu/display/gradprogs/Mavis+%28MF3%29Scholarship

The bottom of this document outlines the application process for computer science graduate students.  If you are in a different graduate program, contact your department's office of graduate programs about how to apply. 

The three main components of the Mavis Future Faculty Fellows (MF3) program in the College of Engineering are research, teaching, and mentoring.  All students will become proficient in these core areas as well as self selecting a capstone experience in this program.

The MF3 program is made possible by a generous bequest of Frederic T. and Edith F. Mavis.   Dr. Mavis received his BS, MS and PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois.   He was a professor of Civil Engineering at several universities and was dean of engineering at the University of Maryland from 1957 – 1967.    He died in 1983. 

Advanced doctoral students (passed qualifying exam) in the College of Engineering who express an interest in academia are eligible to apply.  Students must be enrolled for the full academic year of their Mavis fellowship. Students may be awarded the MF3 at most twice during their doctoral studies.

Selection Process
MF3 program participants are admitted on a competitive basis.  Selected students will receive an award of $5000 for participating in the program with an additional $1000 available to support travel to the ASEE or FIE conference.

The MF3 program is a full academic year program. MF3 participants will have opportunities to attend a variety of workshops, activities, seminars, courses, and events to improve their knowledge of faculty responsibilities, however all MF3 students will agree to meet the following expectations during their fellowship year:

First-year MF3 participants

One-time events:

  • Attend a group orientation session
  • Attend a communicating research seminar
  • Attend CTE teaching philosophy workshop
  • Attend a proposal writing seminar
  • Present research results at a professional conference
  • Attend the American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) annual conference or a Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference

First-year MF3 participants

Longer-term activities:

  • Mentor a less-experienced graduate or undergraduate student
  • Meet regularly with research faculty mentor
  • Attend the College of Engineering academic career series
  • Complete a teaching assignment (to occur or be scheduled) within one year of Mavis fellowship year. (If you have TAed within the past 2 years, the College will accept that as credit for this requirement.)
  • Complete and document the capstone experience

Second-year MF3 participants

One-time events:

  • Attend a group orientation session
  • Attend a communicating research seminar
  • Attend a proposal writing seminar
  • Present research results at a professional conference, if not completed during first-year MF3 academic year
  • Attend the American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) annual conference or a Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference

Second-year MF3 participants

Longer-term activities:

  • Assume a leadership role in the MF3 program and mentor to first-year MF3 students
  • Mentor a less-experienced graduate or undergraduate student
  • Meet regularly with research faculty mentor
  • Complete a teaching assignment, if not assigned one during the first-year MF3 academic year
  • Complete and document the capstone experience

Optional (First or Second-year): For those invited for a campus faculty interview, participate in a mock faculty interview

Application Process
Please ensure that the following information is submitted by 5 pm on March 19 to Colin Robertson (colinr@illinois.edu, 2233 SC):

1) Statement of Interest describing why you wish to participate in the program
2) Statement of your career goals and interests
3) Current CV or resume.  Please include your expected graduation date.
4) Letter of recommendation from your research adviser that includes a commitment to serve as your academic mentor and to send you to a professional conference to present research results within the next two years

1) Statement length is not specified by the College of Engineering.  I recommend 1-1.5 pages per essay.
2) Electronic documents are preferred and should be submitted as PDFs, Word documents, or plain-text files. Letters of recommendation may be sent directly to colinr@illinois.edu.  Students, please include your netid in your file names.