March 15, 2011 Curriculum Committee minutes
Minutes of the 2010-11 ECE Curriculum Committee (CC)
March 15, 2011
Present: T. Basar, Bishop, Jones, Kudeki, Leburton, Levinson, Makela, Vaidya
* Course revision form for ECE 439, requesting a change in the course prerequisites was approved.
* ECE 341 course proposal was discussed again. The feedback sent by Shun-Lien Chuang, on behalf of the Microelectronics and Photonics (M&P) area, was discussed, along with input from the curriculum committee members. The feedback from the M&P area was to wait until after Fall 2011 offering of the ECE 398 version of the proposed course before deciding on the permanent course proposal. Another suggestion from M&P was to reconsider the numbering for the proposed course, possibly assigning it a 200-level course number, or, alternatively, to make the course material deeper.
The curriculum committee determined that the best course of action may be to use a low 300-level number for the course (e.g., ECE 304), since such a number may more accurately reflect the content of the course. With this change, most of the present members of the committee were in favor of approving the course proposal. It was decided to propose the change to Kent Choquette and also ask the M&P area for further feedback on the course propsoal.