Minutes 09/26/2022
Sep 26, 2022
C. Bayram, U. Bhowmik, M.A. Beabbas, S. Bogdanov, X. Chen, Z. Cheng, N. Kani, S. Lumetta, O. Mironenko, U. Ravaioli.
The course CS 465 "User Interface Design" was discussed for possible inclusion in the list of approved Advanced Computation electives. The request was submitted by a student. S. Lumetta observed that the course was already considered when the list was compiled and it was decided that the course did not meet the requisites for advanced computation. The course is well regarded as useful for students interested in acquiring experience with user interfaces but it is simply not suitable. Therefore, CS 465 should not be reconsidered.
The committee then discussed a request from Raluca Ilie to provide advice on options to make ECE 398 (ECE 328) "Fields and Waves Virtual Reality Laboratory" a Software Laboratory. The committe continues to be very supportive of the class and there was a robust discussion to identify the best path forward. Clearly, the class has two well identified groups of students: (a) Students who are mainly "users" and take advantage of the existing software to better understand complicated EM phenomena as users. These efforts would not qualify for software lab. (b) Students who are more advanced and devote considerable time to program and develop applications. For this group it would be desirable and appropriate to award software lab credits. Two possible viable options were identified:
1) Make ECE 328 a variable credits course. Students in category (a) could continue to get 1 credit hour and no software lab credits. There could be a section specifically set up for them. Students in category (b) could perhaps earn 2 credit hours and and receive also software lab credits, enrolling in a separate section. To implement this option, the previous revision proposal for ECE 328 which is still under review could be pulled out of the approval workflow and substituted with a new more comprehensive proposal.
2) ECE 328 could remain as proposed and a separate course could be considered for development, which (e.g., ECE 327?) would specifically award software lab credits for an appropriate number of credit hours.
The committee members thought that the second option is preferable. There would be less risk for students to sign up for a section which is not appropriate for them if option 1) was followed and at the same time the ongoing approval process of the ECE 328 revision would go ahead undisturbed. The chair will contact Prof. Ilie to present the suggestions of the committee.