ECE Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Charge AY23-24:
Technical Electives and Advanced Computing Electives:
Junior Eligibility Rule:
To qualify for registration in ECE or Technical Elective courses at the 300/400 level, a student must satisfy Junior Eligibility conditions specified by this rule:
Junior Eligibility is also required for internal transfers between EE and CE --- students can place their transfer application in the same semester they are completing the full set of technical core courses required for Junior Eligibility in their original major.
Course Information Updates:
Information on all ECE courses can be reached at
Course directors can Visit this site and click-choose their courses to edit the relevant course information.
Only course directors have edit privileges in these pages.
Not all fields are editable, as some course information is drawn from Banner (e.g., course description, prerequisites, etc).
Course directors should periodically visit these pages to update information about course educational objectives expected course outcomes.
Course Proposal Forms:
New course development in ECE follows the general guidelines established by the Office of the Provost. Permanent course proposals and revisions are submitted by the department into the CIM-C system described at The forms provided below will help give the department the information necessary to do so. Each proposed course should be approved by the Area Committee first, then by the Curriculum Committee (if 100, 200, 300, or 400-level), then by the Graduate Committee (if 400 or 500-level).
Proposal form for temporary courses: ECE 298, 398, 498
Proposal form for new permanent courses to accompany a course syllabus formatted as shown in Syllabus Template.docx
Proposal form for revision of permanent courses to be accompanied by an updated course syllabus formatted as shown in Syllabus Template.docx
Minutes and Summary of CC Meetings:
Copy on Erhan Kudeki's server - minutes prior to 2010 back to 2002