Minutes 03/07/2022
Mar 7, 2022
C. Bayram, S. Bogdanov, R. Iyer, J. Kim, V. Kindratenko, E. Kudeki, S. Lumetta, U. Ravaioli, J. Schuh, A. Schwing, P. Song
Jonathon Schuh gave a presentation on the organization of ECE 445 "Senior Design" with particular attention given to the writing assignments. Because of the writing component, the course is approved for Advanced Composition credits. Jonathon showed how the wiki page is organized to facilitate communication with the students. He illustrated how grading is carried out to consider individual writing contributions in team assignments. There was much discussion on how the student projects could be showcased more broadly both to the current students and to the public. Perhaps the ECE office of communications could help with creating promotional material that highlights design projects, as a recruiting tool. There was also support for making the writing artefacts more easily available to students as exemplars.