Minutes 10/11/2021

Minutes 10/11/2021


Oct 11, 2021


A. Aggarwal, J. Allen, U.K. Bhowmik, S. Bogdanov, P. Dragic, K. Driggs-Campbell, Y.C. Hu, R. Iyer, N. Kani, J. Kim, E. Kudeki, K. Levchenko, A. Miller, S. Mitra, T. Moon, C. Radhakrishnan, U. Ravaioli. Guest: Kejie Fang


The committee discussed ECE 498AF, proposed for temporary offering in Spring 2022 by Arne Fliflet.  The course is being taught in Fall 2021 for the first time in a small section of 3 students.  The topics cover an important niche area in high-frequency high-power devices for which there is growing demand and there is a desire to develop the instructional capability offered by this course.   The course is being offered again in a consecutive semester with the goal to build up some momentum and advertise more with the students.  The instructor was invited to attend and he tried to join the meeting but unfortunately for some technical reason he was unable to enter the Zoom meeting.  However, there was support to continue experimentation with this course, which was approved by the committee without any concerns expressed by the members.


The rest of the meeting was spent discussing the new course proposal for ECE 406 “Quantum Optics and Devices” submitted by Kejie Fang.  The course has been taught as the temporary offering ECE 498KF twice.  It is part of a group of courses under development aiming to create an instructional portfolio in the quantum area, which has been designated as a strategic focus for the department and the college. Kejie Fang attended the meeting and gave an overview on the structure of ECE 406 and explained how it fits in the overall development plan.  Simeon Bogdanov, member of the committee who is also teaching and developing one of the courses in the quantum area, provided additional comments to explain the importance of ECE 406 in the context of the overall plan for growth of instructional capacity in this advanced area.  Some additional discussion covered the prerequisite material which is planned to be covered by a new course ECE 398 “Quantum Systems I” (to be designated ECE 305 in the future) which will be discussed by the committee at the next meeting.  ECE 406 was approved unanimously by the ECE Curriculum Committee for permanent offering.