Minutes February 25, 2025
Attendees: S. Bogdanov, X. Chen, Y.-S. Chen, R. Cunningham (CS Representative), A. Fliflet, H. Kim, E. Kudeki, O. Mironenko, M. Raginsky, U. Ravaioli, C. Schmitz, J. Schuh, Y-L Wei. Guest: Romit Roy Choudhury
Romit Roy Choudhury attended the meeting to introduced his proposal for a combined ECE 498/ECE598 “Deep Generative Models“. There was a detailed discussion about course objectives, content and organization. Erhan Kudeki and Max Raginsky posed a number of questions regarding the actual level of instruction, the target audience and relationship with other existing offering. In the end it was decided to table the proposal to teach the course at the 400-level. The intent is primarily to serve the graduate population and it is preferrable to create 598 offering. The course could still be available to advanced undegraduates requesting enrollment. After feedback is received from the graduate committee and from the Signal Processing and Data Science area, we can still consider the course for ECE 498 offering if that is desirable.
We considered the proposal for ECE 498 “ Electric Mobility Systems” submitted by Andrew Stillwell for second offering in Fall 2025. Jonathon Schuh provided general information on the course objectives. The course was approved for second time offering in Fall 2025 by unanimous consent. The course proposal form still had the old tilte “Electric Mobility” which was corrected to “Electric Mobility Systems“.