25 Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore (GYSS) - Travel Awards (Summer 2024)

Internal Deadline (CS): Wednesday, July 31st at 11:59PM
External Deadline:

Questions can be directed to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu. Between 7/23-7/31, please direct questions to Ken Vickery at vickeryk@illinois.edu. 

GYSS Travel Award

Singapore’s National Research Foundation invites applications for the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS).  Hosted by the Office of the Prime Minister, GYSS is an annual gathering that brings bright young researchers (graduate students and postdocs) together with top scientific minds from around the world to discuss science and technology trends and how research could address major global challenges. It was started in 2013 with the objective of helping young scientists pursue their scientific dreams through close interactions with distinguished scientists and researchers, and with peers. GYSS is a multi-disciplinary summit that covers topics including chemistry, physics, medicine, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.  Speakers include recipients of the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Millennium Technology Prize, and Turing Award. 

The 2025 conference will operate in-person in Singapore, and it will run January 6-10, 2025. Activities include plenary lectures, small groups, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and networking events. Attendees may have the opportunity to give a short presentation on their research live on-stage or through poster sessions. Attendees will also be able to visit Singapore's institutions of higher learning and prominent landmarks as well as enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of Singapore.

See https://apps.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship-finder/SearchResult/Fellowship/4914 for additional information.


  • Graduate students in research-oriented master's and doctoral degree programs in STEM departments are eligible, as are postdoctoral research fellows in STEM departments and STEM-oriented research institutes. Note that GYSS considers the social sciences as part of STEM. Students in non-research programs and professional programs are ineligible.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled both at the time of application and at the time of the summit.  As well, postdocs must be employed by UIUC both at the time of application and at the time of the summit.
  • Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger at the time of the summit.
  • Applicants must possess English skills sufficient for active participation in discussions and other conference activities.
  • Previous in-person GYSS attendees are ineligible.
  • For applicants not holding US citizenship:  At the time of application, applicants must have a valid US entry visa for return to the US following the trip. Applicants needing to return to their home country to apply for a new entry visa are not eligible.  Also, applicants from select countries (see list here) will need a visa to enter Singapore.  These applicants will need to have this visa in hand before travel arrangements can be made. The Graduate College urges international students and postdocs applying for the Travel Award to research these visa requirements thoroughly before submitting an application.  Applicants unclear about their visa situation should contact ISSS.

Students and postdocs must be nominated by their department, and each department may submit one nomination to the Graduate College. 

Required Materials:

Numbers 1 and 2 should be submitted as 1 PDF by the applicant directly to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu. The file should be named as follows: LastName, FirstName - UnitAbbreviation - GYSS2025 (for example: Smith, John - CS - GYSS2025). Number 3 should be submitted by the advisor directly to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu.

  1. Application Form (fully completed by the applicant).
  2. Up-to-date CV.
  3. A letter of support from the applicant's advisor.

Apply: By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, July 31st, please submit all materials in PDF form to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu