23-24 Master's Project Travel Grants -- Master's (Fall 2023)

Department Deadline: Monday, October 30, 2023 by 11:59PM
External Deadline: November 10, 2023 by 5:00PM

Master's Project Travel Grant (Fall 2023)

The Graduate College's Master's Project Travel Grants provide reimbursement to Illinois students for travel-related costs incurred for the completion of an off-campus, short-term project required of one of the University’s master's degree programs.  Approximately 10 grants of up to $500 will be awarded given sufficient funding.  Grant recipients are expected to conclude their travel by August 31, 2024. Grants will not be awarded for travel that has taken place prior to the completion of the competition process.

Selection criteria include necessity for travel, significance and feasibility of the project, and the applicant’s academic record and accomplishments. Budget constraints may call for the selection committee to give priority to nominees in terminal masters programs.

Students must be nominated by their department, and departments may nominate up to three students each.

For more information, see: https://apps.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship-finder/SearchResult/Fellowship/3300


Only projects that satisfy all three of the following requirements are eligible:

  • The project is short-term.
  • The project satisfies requirements for the master’s degree.
  • The required project takes place outside of Urbana-Champaign (i.e., travel is required).

Typical projects would include thesis research, travel for performance or exhibition that is required for degree completion, or final projects required for degree completion.  Projects not eligible for support include internships, practicums, independent study, conference travel, and traveling for a performance or exhibition that is not required for degree completion. Allowable expenses include transportation, lodging, food, and other travel-related expenses for the awardee only (i.e., the grant will not cover expenses for dependents, assistants, or anyone other than the awardee).  Expenses not allowable include equipment, supplies, photocopies, phone, internet access, participant incentives, or course registration.

The following students are ineligible:

  • Students who have already received a Graduate College Master's Project Travel Grant.
  • Students in cost-recovery or self-supporting programs (see list).

Allowable Expenses:
Allowable expenses include transportation, lodging, food, and other travel-related expenses for the awardee only (i.e., the grant will not cover expenses for dependents, assistants, or anyone other than the awardee).  Expenses not allowable include equipment, supplies, photocopies, phone, internet access, participant incentives, or course registration.


  • Students may not submit applications directly to the Graduate College. All applications must first be submitted to the department.
  • Applications should be submitted as ONE package with all required documents in the order outlined below using this naming structure: "LastName, FirstName - CS - MaTravel2023". Email application to Awards Info.


Note that there are formatting guidelines for each of the required items indicated below. Nomination packages containing items that do not follow the formatting guidelines will be disqualified without review.

The nomination package should contain the following documents, arranged in the following order:

  • Master's Travel Grant Nomination Form - the student will complete the "Student Information" section and the "Advisor Information" section and leave the rest blank for the Department to complete.
  • CV (three-page limit, with one-inch margins and at least 11-point font throughout).
  • Project Summary (two-page limit, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins, Times New Roman). The summary should detail the nature of the project (e.g. thesis research, required final project, exhibition, performance) including its significance, specific activities, location, dates, and intended results. Any citations must be included in the two-page limit.
  • Budget (one-page limit).  The budget page should include all items requested, complete with budget notes explaining each item.  Also indicate sources of the budget estimates.
  • Letter of Support (two page limit) from nominee’s advisor that describes the project’s role in the degree completion process and discusses the significance of the proposed project along with the student’s academic record and accomplishments. Advisors should provide their Letter of Support as a PDF named as follows: "LastName, FirstName - CS - MaTravel2023 - LoR" and email it to: Awards Info.
  • Current Transcript from the University of Illinois (unofficial will suffice). Note: Transcripts can be requested here: https://registrar.illinois.edu/transcripts/


Payment Procedure: Funds are generally disbursed in the form of a reimbursement following submission and review of all required reporting materials, and the guidelines for submitting that reimbursement request are found here.  The Graduate College recognizes that, in some case, a pre-travel disbursement is required, and the guidelines explain how to request such a disbursement.

Submission of Receipts/Reimbursement: All grant recipients are required to submit a one-page report and reimbursement paperwork within one month after travel has