Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2018)

Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2018)

Internal CS Deadline: 3/19/2018 by 11:59P
External Deadline: 4/11/2018

Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2018)

Dissertation Completion Fellowships are designed to help outstanding students complete the doctoral degree in a timely fashion by providing a one-year stipend of $20,000, a full waiver of tuition, service fee, health service fee, AFMA fee, Library fee, as well as basic dental and vision coverage.

The intent is to free Fellows from assistantships and other such obligations, allowing them to devote full-time to the completion of the dissertation. No concurrent assistantship appointment or employment of any kind is permitted with the Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

Applicants must be enrolled in a program leading to the PhD, DMA, EdD, or JSD and should have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree except the dissertation. Only those students who will defend and deposit their dissertations by August 2019 are eligible for nomination. Therefore, students who have not yet passed the preliminary exam should not apply.  Students who have not completed their 500-level (non-thesis) coursework should not apply.

Eligible students must be nominated by their department or program. Only two nominations may be submitted from each degree-granting department or program.

See: https://www.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship/index.cfm?action=main.fellowship&fid=2807

 Submission Details (by 3/19/2018, 11:59P)

Required Materials:

  1. Research Proposal. The Research Proposal must be written in an accessible, jargon-free manner appropriate for a multidisciplinary review panel. The research proposal is limited to three double-spaced pages, and it must be in Times New Roman, with 12-point font and one-inch margins. A separate one-page References Cited section is allowed (must be single-spaced, in Times New Roman, with 12-point font and one-inch margins).  No appendices or other supplemental sections are allowed. It should contain the following components: 
    1. Introduction/Problem Statement.  (In this section, the research question, hypothesis, or engineering goal must be stated explicitly.)
    2. Background and significance.
    3. Preliminary research.
    4. Methodology.
    5. Timeline.
    6. Expected outcomes. 
  2. CV. The CV is limited to three pages, and it must have one-inch margins and at least 11-point font throughout.
  3. Two letters of reference. one from the student's adviser and one from the student's thesis director. If the student's adviser and thesis director are the same person, the second letter should come from another member of the student's dissertation committee.  Each letter is limited to two pages and must be in 12-point font with one-inch margins.

Materials should be submitted by 11:59P on 3/19/18 /to Samantha Hendon (2237 SC).

Note: Electronic documents are preferred and should be submitted as PDFs, Word documents, or plain-text files.  Letters of recommendation should be sent directly to shendon@illinois.edu.  Students, please include your netid in your file names (e.g. netid_cv.pdf).