Meeting Notes - 9-14-2016
Meeting Notes - 9-14-2016
- Brandon: Writing Help Overview (PPT attached),3-4:20 pm
- General Issues 4:25-5 pm
- Introduction of new undergraduate members
- Nur Amalina Abdul Razak
- Yixin (Jen) Zou
- Ying
- 2 paper for CAI conference
- mental health project
- would like help
- keyword (anxiety) for general and app search
- Andrew
- Working with Beth to organize findings
- annotation for Aseel's project
- Carlos
- reviewed paper, sent it out for review
- waiting for answer before building threat model
- Chang
- privacy and social norm survey
- after looking at results, wants to get more samples
- once done, wants to present at this meeting
- Beth
- paper for CAI
- potential privacy risks for wireless transfer of info from cardiac devices
- review of privacy related individuals
- next week will be putting on a Research Workshop week after next, Sept. 28th
- send her some keywords, etc. for what sort of research you are doing
- paper for CAI
- Kelly
- Wiki
- NSF information
- Separate Human from Program Behavior Paper
- should be done and sent by Monday, 19th (to be edited)
Cyberpsychology, Behavior,
and Social Networking Journal
- Aseel
- working on paper submission for I-Conference
- dissertation proposal
, multiple selections available,