Fall 2021 Courses with Online Options

Fall 2021 Courses with Online Options

Computer Science is planning to accommodate CS graduate student who are unable to arrive on campus for Fall 2021, by making the following courses available for remote enrollment so that you can start making progress toward your graduate degree.  Please consult with a graduate advisor if you are uncertain of your ability to arrive on campus for Fall 2021 term.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. The list is subject to change.

  1. CS 410
  2. CS 411
  3. CS 412
  4. CS 418
  5. CS 421
  6. CS 427
  7. CS 437
  8. CS 440
  9. CS 441
  10. CS 445
  11. CS 447
  12. CS 463
  13. CS 474
  14. CS 477
  15. CS 498 Sections CN1/CN2/CNO, GD1/GD2
  16. CS 511
  17. CS 519
  18. CS 522
  19. CS 523
  20. CS 540
  21. CS 542
  22. CS 546
  23. CS 556
  24. CS 562
  25. CS 563
  26. CS 579
  27. CS 598 Sections DEL, HS, MP1, PPM, PSO, SHW, TMC

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