Minutes 12/13/2021
Dec 13, 2021
S. Bogdanov, P. Dragic, Y.-C. Hu, N. Kani, J. Kim, E. Kudeki, K. Levchenko, S. Lumetta, S. Mitra, U. Ravaioli, P. Song,
During the first part of the meeting there was a follow up discussion regarding the changes in general education requirements and the possibility to use the additional free elective credit hours toward an additional advanced composition requirement. Pros and cons were discussed further, expanding on the conversation that the committee had with the Department Head the previous week. Implementation issues were also considered. After this exploratory discussion phase, the conversation should be broadened to include the entire departmental faculty body, in order to collect as much input as possible. The proposal will be introduced at the upcoming faculty meeting in Spring 2022.
Some time was spent reviewing the results of the student survey regarding the remote learning laboratory kits and online instruction in general. The survey demonstrate vey high interest on the part of the student to have more availability of recorded lectures to facilitate review of the material. The department will continue to facilitate access to lecture recordings with significant expansion of the Kaltura system utilization.
The course IE 340 "Human Factors" was considered for possible approval as a non-ECE Technical Elective. The discussion was generally favorable because the topic is gaining relevance in emergent areas, for example human-computer interactions. The course is cross-listed with Psychology and there were questions on how to gauge the technical content. For due diligence, there will be an effort to collect pertinent material from the course instructor and the course will be reconsidered for official approval in Spring 2022.