2016-11-17 Subcommittee Meeting Notes

2016-11-17 Subcommittee Meeting Notes


November 11, 2016


AY 2016-2017 Members: Michael Bailey, Can Bayram, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Subhonmesh Bose, Weng Chew, John Dallesasse, Peter Dragic, James Eden, Liang Gao, Bruce Hajek, Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, Seth Hutchinson, Ravishankar Iyer, Erhan Kudeki (Ex-Officio), Minjoo Lee, Stephen Levinson, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela (Chair), Sanjay Patel, Maxim Raginsky, William Sanders (Ex-Officio), Christopher Schmitz, Jose Schutt-Aine, David Varodayan, Lara Waldrop, Zhizhen Zhao, Hao Zhu, Wenjuan Zhu

Discussion Items

50minDiscuss sub-disciplines/specialization in the ECE CurriculaAll


  • Called to order at 2:06pm.
  • A general discussion was held on topics related to how to present the upper level curricula to our students, prospective students, and other external constituencies.
    • Linkages across the traditional ECE domains should be emphasized. These are difficult for students (and faculty) to see, at times, but the breadth of our curricula makes creating these linkages a strength.
    • Presentation of the sub-disciplines/specializations on the web page need to be intuitive, presenting a logical flow of course work. At the same time, they should emphasize the "big picture" of each sub-discipline and its practical uses.
  • Adjourned at 2:52pm.

Action Items
