Minutes 11/29/2021
Nov 29, 2016
A. Aggarwal, J. Allen, U.K. Bhowmik, S. Bogdanov, Z. Cheng, M. Hasegawa-Johnson, R. Iyer, J. Kim, E. Kudeki, K. Levchenko, S. Lumetta, T. Moon, U. Ravaioli, J. Shuh, P. Song,
The full hour was spent discussing the changes planned by the College of Engineering for the requirements involving general and liberal education courses. The 12 credit hour requirement for the groupings of Humanities/Arts, and Social/Behavioral Sciences will be maintained (as prescribed by campus and in alignment with ABET) but the additional requirement of 6 credit hours in the broader Liberal Education electives category will be eliminated. Much of the preliminary discussion involved clarification on the nature of the existing requirements. Of the six hours released by eliminating the Liberal Education electives, one hour will be dedicated to a revised ECE 100, which is going to be extended to the full Fall semester of freshman year. The remaining five hours could be simply added to the free electives category, but there is also the possibility to return one of those hours to technical electives, since one hour was taken away from this category early this year to accommodate other adjustments to the curriculum. The conversation will be continued at the next meeting.