Minutes 2/27/2023
Febr 27, 2023
M.A. Belabbas, U. Bhowmik, Y-.C. Hu, V. Kindratenko, E. Kudeki, U. Ravaioli, J. Schuh
The committee discussed the proposal for ECE 298 RR "The Semiconductor Chips Revolution" submitted by Shaloo Rakheja and Umberto Ravaioli for first time temporary offering (1 credit hour) in Fall 2023. This is part of a multi-department initiative to develop a college-wide minor on semiconductor technology, in response to various programs and initiatives to revitalize semiconductor manufacturing. The comitte approved the request.
Next, there was a discussion on ECE 198 JS "James Scholars Honors Course" submitted by Christopher Schmitz - Honors open-ended project design. The course is intended to be companion (1 credit hour) to ECE 110 or ECE 120 and it has been proposed for first time offering in Fall 2023. There were several question, so it was decided that the chair will collect answers from Chris Schmitz and a vote will be taken at next meeting.