Minutes November 6, 2024
Attendees: I. T. Abraham, U. Bhowmik, A. Fliflet E. Gunter (CS representative), Y-C Hu, E. Kudeki, O. Mironenko, M. Raginsky, U. Ravaioli, C. Schmitz, C. E. Snyder, Y-L Wei.
The hour was spent discussing mainly access to CS courses for Electrical Engineering students. The ECE Department would like to give them the same registration priority as granted to Computer Engineering students. Elsa Gunter gave the committee her perspective on this matter. The proposal would be easier to grant for Coursera-based online offerings which are designed to accommodate a large volume of students. There was a lively discussion on pros and cons, logistics, and fairness issues in extending high priority access also for offerings in actual classrooms.