Minutes of the 2010-11 ECE Curriculum Committee
January 18, 2011
Present: Tangul Basar, Bishop, Levinson, Lumetta, Makela, Vaidya
ECE 408 proposed by Prof. Wen-Mei Hwu was previously approved by the Curriculum Committee. However, a college subcommittee reviewing the course suggested some minor changes to the proposal, which Prof. Hwu has incorporated into his course proposal. The curriculum committee has approved the revised course proposal.
We also discussed a proposal for ECE 498LG Principles of Experimental Research and a new course proposal for ECE 446 Principles of Experimental Systems by Prof. Lynford Goddard. The propposed course credit is 4 hours. Several members of the committee felt that a 3 hour course may be more attractive to a larger number of undergraduate students. The committee decided to convey this suggestion to Prof. Goddard.