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ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2013

Members AY 2013-14:  Tangul Basar, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Deming Chen, John Dallesasse, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Bruce Hajek (Chair), Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Erhan Kudeki (Ex-Officio), Rakesh Kumar, Stephen Levinson, Daniel Liberzon, Yi Lu, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela, Sayan Mitra, Michael Oelze, Maxim Raginsky, Elyse Rosenbaum, William Sanders (Ex-Officio), Paris Smaragdis, Venu Veeravalli, Daniel Wasserman

Attendees: Basar, Chen, Dominguez-Garcia, Hajek, Hanumolu, Kudeki, Lumetta,  Makela, Mitra, Oelze, Raginsky, Sanders, Schmitz, Veeravalli, Wasserman

1. The minutes of the meeting of October 1 were approved.

2. Bill Sanders reported very positive informal feedback from the ABET review team, and he and the committee applauded the efforts of Erhan Kudeki in leading the report team.

3. This proposal for ECE 298DC for Spring 2014 was approved with the minor revision of changing the prerequisite to "Either ECE 290 or ECE 198KL"

4. The committee voted to recommend to the ECE faculty that the EE curriculum be revised to replace required courses ECE 110 (4 hour version), ECE 190 (3 hours), ECE 290 (4hours), ECE 385 (2 hours)  with

ECE 110 (new 3 hour version), ECE 120 (4 hours), ECE 220 (4 hours), ECE 385 (new 3 hour version).  The

increase of one hour would come from reducing the total number of technical electives hours by one.

5. The committee discussed charges to the committee.  Committee members John Dallesasse and Daniel Wasserman, along with Joe Lyding, were asked to report back at some point about the charge to "Consider creating new course on electronic and photonic device fundamentals."

6. Preliminary discussion ensued about classroom assignments in the new building (in committee charge) and laboratory space assignments (this may be more the responsibility of the new building committee).  We will begin by getting a list of classroom capacities in the new building (which may still be slightly in flux until furniture is ordered).

4.  The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

These minutes drafted by B. Hajek, October 8, 2013.

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