Minutes of the 2010-11 ECE Curriculum Committee (CC)
October 19, 2010
Present: Tangul Basar, Bishop, Cangellaris, Choquette, Hu, Jones, Levinson, Lumetta, Makela, Mitra, Vaidya
Minutes of the CC meetings on October 5 were approved, and the minutes of the meeting on October 12, 2010 were approved with minor revisions.
The committee discussed a proposal to increase the credit for ECE 391 from 3 hours to 4 hours. The proposal was approved with a revision suggested to the justification section of the proposal. Steve Lumetta has been asked to revise the Course Revision Form to include additional details of the course workload in the justification section of the form. This change in the credit for ECE 391 will result in a decrease in the number of technical elective hours for the Computer Engineering degree program. Doug Jones reported that this reduction was discussed and approved by the 2009-2010 Curriculum Committee.
The committee discussed a course proposal from Doug Jones for ECE 498 Principles of Signal Analysis. The proposal was approved with suggested revisions.
The committee continued the discussion of ECE 190 and 290 from the previous meeting. Nitin Vaidya proposed to work with a subset of the committee to prepare a summary of topics covered in these courses, and develop an initial proposal for reorganizing these courses. This proposal will serve as a basis for discussion at the next meeting.
The Curriculum Committee will solicit input from the faculty regarding the "computing" related material that would benefit the students in their respective courses. The feedback will form a basis for discussions at the upcoming faculty mini-retreat.