ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for September 3, 2013
Members AY 2013-14: *Tangul Basar, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Deming Chen, John Dallesasse, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Bruce Hajek (Chair), Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Erhan Kudecki (Ex-Officio), Rakesh Kumar, Stephen Levinson, Daniel Liberzon, Yi Lu, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela, Sayan Mitra, Michael Oelze, Maxim Raginsky, Elyse Rosenbaum, William Sanders (Ex-Officio), Paris Smaragdis, Venu Veeravalli, Daniel Wasserman
Attendees: Ali Belabbas, Dellasasse, Dominguez-Garcia, Hajek, Hanumolu , Kudeki, Levinson, Makela, Mitra, Oelze, Raginsky, Smaragdis, Veeravalli,Wasserman
The meeting was called to order at 1pm.
The minutes from August 27 were updated and approved.
Steve Lumetta presented the proposal for revision of the Computer Engineering curriculum that was approved by the ECE faculty in Spring 2013. Based on the discussion, some action items were identified involving issues that need to be addressed in preparation of the official proposal to be forwarded to the College/campus.
Action item 1: Will the Department of Computer Science department agree to offer an algorithms course along the lines of CS 473 which all CE students could take with only CS 225 as the prerequisite? Starting date Spring 2015. Steve Lumetta will make sure this question is put to the CS department soon, with assistance from Sayan and Paris. (Paris is on the CS department curriculum committee).
Action item 2: How would ECE 445 need to be changed? We estimate that under the new CE curriculum, for their design project: 15% of CEs would do a thesis, 30% would take ECE 411, and about 55% would take ECE 445. Jonathan pointed out that the level of TA support for ECE 445 is currently ceil(n/12 )+1 25% TAs for n enrolled students. Jonathan will talk to Scott Carney about how ECE 445 could accommodate this influx of CE students, assuming computer engineering faculty members get involved.
Action item 3:Will there be a version of ECE 340 that could be put in the 1 of n list? Bruce will contact ECE 340 course director Jean Pierre Pierre Leburton about that.
Action item 4: Review 120/220 and ECE 110. Steve Lumetta is having the draft proposals for 120 and 220 reviewed by the computer engineering faculty (area chair is Wen-Mei Hwu.) Erhan will ask Chris Schmidt to expedite preparation for a revision of ECE 110. (We may not have these courses revised in time for the major CE curriculum change, but it is worth discussing now in connection with minor revisions of both CE and EE curricula anticipated soon.)
These minutes drafted by B. Hajek, September 3, 2013.