Meeting September 28, 2023
Request for Course Revision
- ECE 340 "Semiconductor Electronics" has currently the following prerequisites: ECE 210; PHYS 214; credit or concurrent registration in ECE 329. The proposal submitted by John Dallesasse seeks to change the prerequisites to: ECE 205 or ECE 210; PHYS 214. Motivation of the request is to facilitate enrollment of students from other majors who are pursuing the Grainger College Semiconductor Minor.
Course Revision Form.
Requests for inclusion in the list of non-ECE technical electives
- CEE 412 “High Speed Rail Engineering” Syllabus
- CS 498 "Mobile Robotics" - Normally, ECE does not accept temporary offerings to be included in the list of approve non-ECE technical Electives, but this request is presented to the Curriculum Committee for due diligence.