2. The proposed revision of ECE 462. was was approved.
3. The Report report from ad hoc committee\ (John Dallesasse, Joe Lyding, Daniel Wasserman) investigating creation of new course on electronic and photonic device fundamentals (see see charge to the CC\curriculum committee) was discussed. The conclusion is that every engineer should know how to apply basic theory of Physics 213 (thermodynamics) and 214 (quantum mechanics), but the learning outcomes of students taking these courses are not satisfactory. A probable cause is too much breadth and not enough depth. Another committee will be formed to follow up on this, consisting of instructors of follow-on courses in ECE and other departments, such as Angus Rockett in MatSci, and the instructors from Physics. Erhan will form an appropriate discussion group.
4. Information/discussion item was discussed: College subcommittee report\ and related comment\ and related comments on CE revision, 4 February 2014. Bill and and Erhan are attending to oversight of the submitted revisions on a daily basis.