August 27, 2013, Charge to the Curriculum Committee
To: ECE Curriculum Committee Members – AY 2013-14
Tangul Basar Mohamed Ali Belabbas
Deming Chen John Dallesasse
Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia Bruce Hajek, Chair
Pavan Kumar Hanumolu Erhan Kudeki, Ex-officio
Rakesh Kumar Stephen Levinson
Daniel Liberzon Yi Lu
Steven Lumetta Jonathan Makela
Sayan Mitra Michael Oelze
Maxim Raginsky Elyse Rosenbaum
William Sanders, Ex-officio Paris Smaragdis
Venugopal Veeravalli Daniel Wasserman
August 27, 2013
Dear Colleagues,
The purpose of this letter is to identify a set of key items pertinent to our undergraduate curriculum that I
would like you to prioritize in your committee's activities and bring them to closure by the end of this
academic year.
The ECE Curriculum Committee is the steward of the largest pair of undergraduate engineering programs
in the College, and (in my humble opinion) the best pair of EE and CompE programs and the nation. The
main mission of the ECE Curriculum Committee is to debate and establish the vision and content for our
undergraduate curricula in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering that will ensure our national
and international reputation as a leader in ECE education. This objective requires a broad perspective and
visionary thinking, but also attention to programmatic and process details. Strong curricula depend on the
plurality of well-designed courses and their careful coordination and integration into an effective program
that serves our vision for the education of future generations of electrical and computer engineers. Our
ECE Curriculum Committee has been the steward of all it takes to maintain and evolve our curricula and
maintain our leadership as one of the best undergraduate ECE programs in the world. Your contributions
this year will help us continue this tradition, as we learn to deal with not only the fast pace of the changes
in our discipline but also challenges associated with increased student enrollments and changes in the demographics
of our student body.
For AY 2013-14 I would like to request that you include and prioritize the following as part of your
committee's activities.
Obtain Campus Approval for and Complete Implementation of new Computer Engineering Curriculum.
As you know, the Department approved the new Computer Engineering Curriculum last spring
term. It's now critical that the Curriculum committee turn its attention to obtaining the campus approval
of that curriculum during this academic year, with the goal that we be able to welcome incoming students
into the new program by Fall 2014. The schedule is tight to do this, and consists of the following steps:
1) completion of the formal proposal to the COE Executive Committee; 2) review and approval by the
COE Executive Committee (typical minimum 6 weeks for subcommittee review); 3) review and approval
by the Senate Educational Policy Committee (EPC; meets every 2 weeks); 4) Review and approval by
Senate as a consent item (meets every month); and 5) Report to Board of Trustees (meets every 2
months). These times are optimistic and do not include time that is necessary to respond if there are questions
before approval at a particular stage. Achieving this goal will require careful stewardship of the proposal
through the various stages.
Complete Transition from ECE 190/290 to ECE 120/220. In order to be able to offer 198JL and
198KL in Spring 2014 (which will be the 3rd offering of these courses), permanent course proposal submissions
must be made early in the semester. The curriculum committee should discuss the issue of
"credit neutrality" of curricular revisions introduced by these new courses and come to a decision about
the credit loads of each of ECE 120 and 220. If the decision is to keep the credit load of the new courses
the same as in our existing curriculum, a total of 7 hours would be available for ECE 120 and 220, given
that ECE 110 is reducing its load from 4 hours to 3 hours to support the transition of ECE 385 from 2
hours to 3 hours under the ECE 298DC project. The committee should discuss and recommend the credit
hours (and accompanying content load) to be assigned to ECE 120 and 220 by considering various options
such as 4+3 and 3+4 partitions (assuming credit neutrality is achieved).
Consider creating new course on electronic and photonic device fundamentals. During the past year
the curriculum committee discussed the idea of a new ECE developed course on modern and thermal
physics with semiconductor device applications as a replacement of currently required PHYS 213 (2
hours) and 214 (2 hours) courses. This idea should be explored further and if the idea finds support the
committee should work with ECE faculty showing interest in the development of such a course. It would
be ideal to have this course to serve the needs of both EE and CE students and prepare them for more advanced
courses in the same area starting with ECE 340.
Support ABET Fall Visit and Learn From and React to ABET 2013 Report. The next ABET visit to
our Department and the College is scheduled for October 6-8, 2013. Substantial work has gone into preparing
for this visit, and thanks go to a core team consisting of Associate Heads, Area Chairs, and present
and past Curriculum Committee chairs. As a member of the ABET Core Team, the Curriculum Committee
Chair will coordinate the interactions with the Curriculum committee and help orchestrate the role of
committee in the ABET visit. Once the review is complete, I would like the Curriculum Committee to
analyze the resulting reports, and recommend any actions to the Department Head and Associate Department
Coordination with ECE Graduate Committee on combined B.S./M.Eng. proposal. Our proposals for
a revenue-generating, Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree and for a combined B.S./M.Eng. (4+1
years) degree are currently on hold, pending approval of the COE M.Eng. umbrella degree program
IBHE. This approval will likely come in October. The Graduate Committee will be charged with investigating,
in the context of this pending umbrella degree, how to provide a meaningful professional development
experience to our graduate students. On our side, further work is needed on how the B.S./M.Eng.
program will be defined and managed. Therefore, I ask your Committee to work closely with the ECE
Graduate Committee and with Associate Heads Erhan Kudeki and Steve Franke on the development and
implementation of an effective plan for the smooth offering of a high-quality B.S./M.Eng. degree option
to our students.
Planning for the Transition to the New Building. We anticipate that Fall 2014 classes will be held in
the new building. I ask the Curriculum committee make recommendations on how to best make use of the
classrooms in the building to support undergraduate ECE courses.
Imagine New ways of teaching ECE courses in support of "Wider" Award. Congratulations go to
ECE faculty and lecturers Steve Lumetta, Christopher Schmitz, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Geoffrey L.
Herman, Michael Loui, Erhan Kudeki, and Andreas Cangellaris for winning approval from NSF for the
"Wider" proposal, as part of a larger COE proposal. The goal of the project is to: 1) Reform gateway
STEM courses to (a) enhance student engagement, (b) improve student learning, (c) improve recruitment
and retention in the first two years of undergraduate study in STEM majors, particularly for underrepresented
women and minorities; 2) Develop a new teaching culture for gateway STEM courses by creating
CoPs among instructional faculty to sustain institutional-level reform at a large, research-intensive landgrant
institution; 3) Create a transferable model of institutional change for other institutions. Work in
ECE will be focused on ECE 110 and 120. The department has promised to "develop context-rich cooperative
problem solving activities akin to those developed in Physics, create flipped-classroom resources
and active learning activities for the lecture environment, and develop and adopt open-ended laboratory
assignments that scaffold student's knowledge and skills." As the steward of our undergraduate programs,
the curriculum committee should contribute to and oversee this activity.
I fully appreciate the amount of effort and time on your part required for effectively attending to this
charge. Our undergraduate program is one of the best in the world and its excellence depends on the attentive
and creative leadership provided by our Curriculum Committee through the engaged participation
of all its members in its weekly deliberations. On behalf of the entire ECE faculty and our students, I am
grateful to all of you for your service to the department through your participation and contributions to
one of its most important committees.
Thank you!