Time | Item | Who |
5min | Approve minutes from November 3, 2016 | Makela |
10min | Discussion of revision request
| All |
25min | Update and discussion on ECE sub disciplines | All |
- Called to order at 2:06pm.
- After Makela summarized the results of the email voting on two proposed technical elective courses (CS498AML approved; CI437 not approved), the minutes from November 3, 2016 were approved.
- The committee discussed the course revision request for ECE 403.
- It was pointed out that the "current course description" was not, in fact, the official course description from the campus course catalog.
- A question was raised about the justification for removing ECE 290/ECE 120/ECE 473 as prerequisites. Does the material that was required in ECE 290 no longer exist in ECE 120, or has something else changed to make it no longer relevant to ECE 403?
- The committee requested revisions to the form before voting.
- Makela summarized the discussions of the sub-committee looking at the sub-disciplines listed on the ECE departmental webpage. A general discussion of the topic ensued.
- The job titles and industries that our students enter after graduation (according to the campus-wide Outcomes Survey) are not easily mapped to the sub-disciplines. This can cause confusion for some students who do not see a path through the curricula (as represented by the sub-disciplines) to the profession they want. In deciding how (or if) to relabel/restructure the sub-disciplines, we should consider the connection between courses, skillsets, and employment.
- Do students currently use the information on these pages and, if so, how? Differing experiences derived from mentoring where described. Some students want advice on picking courses so they will be more attractive to employers. Others want to know, which of several courses are best to take.
- There are many audiences to consider (students, prospective students, employers, academics). Different ways of presenting the same information to each audience might be considered. The current information appears to be geared towards academia, rather than industry, even though ~75% of our undergraduates go immediately into industry.
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:55pm.