Procedure for Publishing Research Work Electronically
Instruction for Posting (PDF format)
The Department of Computer Science has migrated its online tech report and dissertation repository to the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS) system, maintained by the UI Library.
The IDEALS system makes it easy for report authors to upload reports through their self-service web application. Just login to IDEALS at and follow the attached instructions for uploading files, choosing a repository, and adding metadata.
IDEALs provides a much easier method for uploading, searching, and accessing the large body of scholarly work generated by CS grad students and faculty, and provides greater visibility for your work.
The attached instructions will guide you through the process of uploading and accessing Tech Reports and Dissertations in the CS collections.
Contact Sandra Thompson at with questions about using the IDEALs system.
- IDEALs allows for self-service - all students and faculty can upload their own work at any time, get a permanent identifier, and update at any time. NOTE: updates to existing work are currently only available through TSG. Contact Sandra Thompson at if you wish to update or append existing documents. See attached instructions for more details.
- IDEALs provides a persistent, and permanent URLs to your digital research. (see for more information)
- IDEALS is ranked the *7th top institutional repository* and the *11th top repository in general* for scholarly work (this includes disciplinary repositories such as arXiv and Social Science Research Network). See: for the institutional repository rankings and for all repositories.
- IDEALs provides high visibility and increased access to your research. The descriptive information about your deposited works will be made available to Google Scholar (, OAIster (, and other services. In addition, IDEALS provides full text searching of your research in most cases.
For more information about IDEALs, visit