Time and Place
Monday, October 5, 2:00pm, https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96972752638?pwd=Z3hqdUxYamNJazNYRkR0V1JmM0padz09
New Business
- Application for a Permanent Course Number (ECE 293), synchronous with the third consecutive ofering of ECE 298CLA "Complex Linear Algebra" in spring 2021. Banner_New-Course-AdvEngMath-Sep29.20.pdf, ECE293-Sep29.20.pdf
- Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the first time in spring 2021, ECE 498CR, "Digitally Assisted Circuit Design." ece498_course_proposal_form_v2.pdf
- Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the second time in spring 2021, ECE 498ICC, "IoT and Cognitive Computing." 498ICC_Syllabus_updated.doc