Time and Place
Monday, November 2, 2:00pm, https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96972752638?pwd=Z3hqdUxYamNJazNYRkR0V1JmM0padz09
Old Business
Proposal to the College of Engineering for a Change to the Electrical Engineering Curriculum: 1) Replacing MATH 286 by the sequence of MATH 257 and MATH 285, and 2) Adding ATMS 201, CPSP 265, PSYC 204 as technical electives. With these changes the number of required basic math and science hours is increased by 2 which will be deducted from the number of technical electives hours to decrease them from 32 to 30.
Proposal to the College of Engineering for a Change to the Computer Engineering Curriculum: 1) Replacing MATH 286 by the sequence of MATH 257 and MATH 285, 2) Removing CHEM 102/103 as a required course, and 3) Adding CHEM 102/103, ATMS 201, CPSP 265, PSYC 204 as technical electives. With these changes the number of required basic math and science hours is reduced by 2 which will be added to the number of technical electives hours to increase them from 27 to 29.
Issue to be Addressed: Replacing Math 286 with the Math 257(Syllabus.pdf)+Math 285 sequence. Concerns have been raised about the workload this imposes on students who enter UIUC without AP credit, Workload.xlsx. The committee should revisit its decision on the two key points, and if we affirm, should arrange a town hall to explain our reasoning to the department:
- Does an EE degree require linear algebra?
- Should students who take linear algebra do so before differential equations, as recommended by the math department, or do EE and CE requirements (specifically, ECE 210) make it impractical to do so?