Minutes of the 2010-11 ECE Curriculum Committee
January 18, 2011
Present: T. Basar, Bishop, Franke (representing Graduate Committee) Hu, Jones, Kudeki, Levinson, Makela, Mitra, Polychronopoulos, Shanbhag (representing Graduate Committee), Vaidya
* Steve Franke and Naresh Shanbhag joined today meeting to discuss the draft of the proposal for a combined B.S.ECE and M.ECE degree program. After some discussion of the admission requirements -- particularly, the 3.40 threshold for overall GPA and the requirement of B- grade in all graduate coursework in the ``provisional'' status -- the curriculum committee voted to support the proposal in its current form.
* Course revision form for ECE 443 Electronic Circuits Laboratory, changing the course number to ECE 343, was approved.
* Course proposals for ECE 498LG and ECE 446 Prin. of Experimental Systems submitted by Lynford Goddard were both approved. One concern regarding the proposal that was brought up during the discussion was whether 4 credit hours are appropriate for theese course or not. After some discussion, majority of the committee voted to approve the proposals.
* ECE 398KC Introduction to Photonics course proposal submitted by Ken Choquette was approved.