Minutes- Meeting October 19, 2023
Oct 19, 2023
The committee discussed ECE 398 GG "Electric Vehicles" submitted by Olga Mironenko for third temporary offering in Spring 2024. This is an important course to have with broad appeal across other disciplines besides ECE. The course will be submitted soon for approval of a permanent number. For now the third offering in Sping 2024 was approved for inclusion in the schdule, and there will be a further review of the permanent course proposal as soon as it is ready.
The course ECE 498 AB "Power Electronics Control" submitted by Arijit Banerjee and Dan Block was also reviewed for Spring 2024, as second time offering. Since there has been addition of the lab the committee thought that overall undergraduate students should receive also 4 credit hours. The chair will give feedback on this to Arijit Banerjee and if there is agreement with nothing else to discuss, the course is considered approved for inclusion on the Spring 2024 schedule. Erhan Kudeki also suggested for the instructor to discuss with Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia about the treatment of Bode plots, since changes may be made on how they are presented in ECE 486, which is one the suggested course to take in preparation for ECE 498.
The committee gave a preliminary look at ECE 498 YVS "Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility" submitted by Yang Victoria Shao, for third time offering in Fall 2024. Although there is quite some time until it will be offered again it may be opportune to prepare now the proposal for permanent offering. Erhan Kudeki had some suggestion about prerequisites (ECE 350 instead of ECE 329) and he will contact Victoria Shao to discuss this along with some other discipline specific details, which may be useful to define before a permanent course proposal is finalized.