Minutes - Meeting September 21, 2023
Sep 21, 2023
C. Bayram, M.A. Belabbas, S. Bogdanov, U. Bhowmik, Z. Cheng, E. Kudeki, K. Levchenko, O. Mironenko, U. Ravaioli, J. Schuh, P. Song, L. Varshney, D.K. Wang,
The committee considered the request submitted by Eric Chitambar to include the course "Quantum Information Systems" in the Spring 2024 course schedule. Since approval as a permanent course is underway at the campus level as ECE 305, the committee approved the request for Spring 2024, again as ECE 398 EC. A similar request submitted by Kejie Fang was reviewed for "Quantum Optics and Devices" which is also being reviewed at the campus level for approval as ECE 404, and the committee approved the inclusion in the Spring 2024 course schedule as ECE 498 KF.
The request to change prerequisites for ECE 340 "Semiconductor Electronics," submitted by John Dallesasse, generated an animated debated. Currently,, the prerequisites are ECE 210; PHYS 214; credit or concurrent registration in ECE 329. The proposed changed to state "ECE 205 or ECE 210" was considered to be quite reasonable, to facilitate enrollment of students from other majors who intend to pursue the Grainger College Semiconductor Minor, which is expected to be in place in Fall 2024, pending campus approval. The other change would involve the elimination of ECE 329 as a prerequisite altogether. Can Bayram reported on the discussion held by the Area Committee members, which had approved the request forwarded to the curriculm committee. Afterwards, there was discussion on pros and cons of this change and several members expressed the desire to meet with John Dallesasse to better understand mativations and consequences of the change. The chair will contact him to find a possible time for this discussion.