Curriculum Committee Minutes 2020 October 26
Curriculum Committee Minutes 2020 October 26
Arijit Banerjee, Yuliy Baryshnikov, Simeon Bogdanov, Zuofu Cheng, Peter Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Erhan Kudeki, Andrew Miller, Shaloo Rakheja, Umberto Ravaioli, Christopher Schmitz, Jonathan Schuh, Yang Shao, Ilan Shomorony, Lara Waldrop
Time and Place
Monday, October 26, 2:00pm, https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96972752638?pwd=Z3hqdUxYamNJazNYRkR0V1JmM0padz09
New Business
- Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the first time in spring 2021, ECE 498YS, "Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility." 198-298-398-498-598 updated.pdf, YVS_Engineering_EMC_2021 updated.pdf. STATUS: Approved
, multiple selections available,