2022/23 Mid-Cycle Initiative
With our next ABET accreditation review — happens once every six years — scheduled for 2025, it is now time for the ECE ABET mid-cycle initiative. ECE faculty will participate in two important tasks that are central to ECE’s process of continuous self-evaluation and improvement.
Faculty Task #1 (Course Directors Only)
Review and update Course Goals and Instructional Objectives for courses you direct
- Go to the course information portal whilekeeping this window open by right-clicking the link.
- Click on the title of the course(s) you direct to see the full course info.
- Use the Edit tab to update Course Goals and Instructional Objectives (CGIO), then save — if you need a reminder about CGIO's see CGIO essentials.
- If updates are not necessary, hit tab "No updates needed."
- Do this for every course you direct.
- If Course Goals and Instructional Objectives are yet to be composed for a new course you may need some background and guidance.
- CGIO's are only needed for undergraduate courses. Accordingly, this task is not required for 500 level courses.
Deadline: Dec 16, 2022
Faculty Task #2 (all Course Instructors — including each instructor of a multiple section course)
Keep course materials, collect representative student work, and complete End-of-Course Self-Assessment (EOCSA) report
- Throughout the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters, keep the following:
- A reference copy of each assignment and test given (homework, labs, machine problems, quizzes, hour exams, midterms, final, project assignments, etc.).
- Copies of three graded final examinations submitted by students: One that you feel represents a very good performance, one that is average, and one that is weak. (If the course has a final project rather than a final exam, see (c) below.)
- For project or laboratory courses only, examples of student laboratory or project reports.
- In all of items (a)-(c) mark clearly examples that relate to outcomes 1-7 . These in turn should be referenced in the narrative part of the report. You only need to focus on the outcomes which are being emphasized in the Course Goals and Instructional Objectives (CGIO) document established by the course director.
- Discretionary items. Instructors can best determine which course materials will be most effective in documenting achievement of their specific course goals and objectives. Instructors are encouraged to collect additional data or examples of student work of their own selection.
- At the end of the semester, complete and submit your End-of-Course Self-Assessment report:
- Log in with your Illinois user ID and password to the online self-assessment form. (Keep this window open by right-clicking the link.)
- Answer the questions in Parts I through III. For your reference, here are two exemplary answers for the narrative assessment requested in Part III. The narrative should make reference to marked examples in the course material being submitted in relation to outcomes 1-7 as explained above.
- In Part IV, either upload your documentation or check the box saying you email it to Aaron Geiger.
- Please ensure that TAs responsible for their own sections get the link and complete the survey.
Deadline for Fall 2022 submission: Jan 9, 2023
Deadline for Spring 2023 submission: TBA
- If an undergraduate course will not be offered in either of Fall 22 and Spring 23 semesters, we will then request the director of the course to submit the materials described above based on the documents available from the most recent offering of the course prior to Fall 22.
- Alternatively we will also accept late submissions at the end of Fall 23 semester in those cases if the required documents were unavailable from the latest offering of the course or else if the course will be offered for the first time in Fall 23 semester.
- Submissions are voluntary and not required for the x98 courses being offered in Fall 22 and later.
Problems? Contact Aaron Geiger
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