Curriculum Committee Minutes 2020 October 19
Airjit Banerjee, Simeon Bogdanov, Zuofu Cheng, Peter Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Ravi Iyer, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Erhan Kudeki, Steve Lumetta, Andrew Miller, Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan, Shaloo Rakheja, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz, Jonathan Schuh, Yang Shao, Ilan Shomorony
Time and Place
Monday, October 19, 2:00pm,
Old Business
Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the third time in spring 2021, ECE 498ICC, and for a permanent course number: "IoT and Cognitive Computing." Updated: pre-req is now "CS 225 or ECE 385." 498ICC_Syllabus_updated.doc, Banner New Course Outline 498ICC Perm Version Oct-20.docx. Status: course approved, 17-0-0. Approved as an Advanced Computing Elective.
New Business
- Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the third time in spring 2021, ECE 498DSE, "Data Science and Engineering." The Curriculum Committee approved, last February, a proposal for a permanent course number for this course, but the application is still being processed by the college. This application is a stopgap measure, to teach the course again as a 498, unless or until the permanent course number is approved. 498 request form spring 2021.docx, ECE498_Spring21_syllabus.docx. Status: course approved, 17-0-0. Approved as an Advanced Computing Elective.
- Application for a Temporary Course to be taught the first time in spring 2021, ECE 498CR, "Digitally Assisted Circuit Design." ece498_course_proposal_signed.pdf. Status: approved, on the assumption that ECE 313 will be added as a pre-req. Approved as a Tech Elective.