Minutes of the 2010-11 ECE Curriculum Committee (CC)
February 29, 2011
Present: T. Basar, Bishop, Hu, Jones, Leburton, Lumetta, Mitra, Pop, Vaidya
Minutes of February 22 were approved. Minutes of March 15 were approved, with the item regarding ECE 311 deleted from the final minutes.
Course proposal for ECE 341 was discussed again. Nitin Vaidya summarized the following concerns relayed to him verbally by Shun-Lien Chuang today, on behalf of the Microelectronics and Photonics area: (i) the course has not been offered a sufficiently large number of times as ECE 398, and (ii) the course content is not appropriate for the chosen course number. The course proposal was subsequently voted on with a change to the course proposal: specifically, the course number for the course will be ECE 304 instead of ECE 341. Of the 9 members present, 2 abstained, and 7 voted in support of the course, with the course number changed.
Doug Jones introduced a "pre-proposal" for ECE 420, to solicit input from the committee. He will forward a formal course proposal once the proposal has been approved by his area committee.
Yih-chun Hu provided an update on the discussions of his ad hoc committee regarding ECE 190. His committee will provide a summary of its deliberations, which will include a summary of his presentation to the curriculum committee.