Time and Place
Monday, September 14, 2:00pm, https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96972752638?pwd=Z3hqdUxYamNJazNYRkR0V1JmM0padz09
Old Business
Linear algebra, Chem 102/103, and Tech Electives. Discussion has sort of divided this into three related motions:
MATH 257 should becomes a 3 hr required course for EE’s and CE’s, having MATH 221 pre-requisite and being a pre-requisite for a 3 hr required MATH 285. ECE will drop MATH 286 from its required list, if MATH agrees to include in MATH 257 not only Python programming exercises but some elementary treatment of complex numbers and variables.
ECE will drop CHEM 102/103 from the rank of required courses to the rank of “Technical Electives.” Technical Elective list will also include additional non-engineering basic science courses: IBE 150 (Organismal & Evolutionary Biology), CPSC 265 (Genetic Engineering Lab), ATMS 201 (General Physical Meteorogy), PSYC 204 (Intro to Brain & Cognition).
- Friendly amendment: Chem 102 required for EE, but optional for CE.
The 2 “required" credit hours “gained" by replacing CHEM 102/103 with MATH 257 and MATH 286 by MATH 285 are added to Technical Electives category to increase Tech Electives from 32 to 34 for EE’s and from 27 to 29 for CEs. Students coming in with AP in Chem 102 or in Chem 102/103 are given AP credit for these courses as non-engineering Tech Elective hours.
ECE 340 will add Chem 102 to their list of prerequisites.