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Anu Aggarwal, Ujjal Bhowmik, Simeon Bogdanov, Pete Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Ravi Iyer, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Erhan Kudeki, Kiril Levchenko, Steve Lumetta, Andrew Miller, Sayan Mitra, Thomas Moon, Shaloo Rakheja, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz, Alex Schwing

Time and Place

Monday, March 1, 4:00pm,

New Business

  1. Proposal by Rakesh Kumar that the pre-requisites for ECE 411 be modified to include ECE 385.  Current pre-requisites: "Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391."
    1. Some relevant statistics: markq-v3.pptx, markq-v3.xlsx
    2. DISCUSSION: Review of minutes from 2/15/2021: course director and all instructors of 411 have asked for this change.  Graduate students might want to take 411.  That's not a problem; pre-requisites are not enforced for graduate students.  Discussion of statistics: 10% of students currently take 385 synchronous or after 411; those students receive grades about 0.3 points lower, on average, in both courses. 
    3. STATUS: Approved, 14-0-0
  2. Proposal by Rakesh Kumar that the pre-requisites for ECE 445 be modified to include ECE 385.  Current pre-requisites: "Senior Standing".
    1. DISCUSSION: Review of minutes from 2/15/2021: we considered three options: removing 385 as a requirement for EEs, making it a pre-req for 445, or doing neither.  Many opinions from EM, optics, semiconductors and other areas were voiced in favor of retaining 385 as a requirement for EEs.  New discussion: since 445 projects usually do not require FPGA, aren't we using pre-requisites in the wrong way?  It is possible to interpret this as a move to convince students to take 385 before 445 because doing so is better for them, even though the content sequence is not as strict.  It is also possible to interpret this as a statement that 385 and 445 are a core laboratory sequence, that should be taken in that order.
    2. STATUS: Approved, 10-1-1
  3. Proposal by Volodymyr Kindratenko that the pre-requisites for ECE 425 be modified to remove ECE 411, leaving only "Credit in CS 233 or ECE 385".
    1. DISCUSSION: The current chain of pre-requisites is too long; it discourages many people from taking the course.  In particular, it strongly discourages EEs from taking the course.  411 is not strictly required; all students have had 120, and the extra material necessary for 425 is taught anew in 425.  The acting course director and current instructor support this change.
    2. STATUS: Approved, 14-0-0

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