Summary of the Year
Temporary Course Approvals, Spring
- ECE 298AB "Solar Car"
- ECE 298CLA "Engineering Complex Linear Algebra"
- ECE 398AS "Programming Methods for Machine Learning"
- ECE 398GG "Electric Vehicles (EVs)"
- ECE 398EC "Quantum Systems I"
- ECE 398RI "Fields and Waves VR Lab"
- ECE 498AF Microwave “Microwave Vacuum Power Electronics
- ECE 498KF “Quantum Optics and Devices”
- ECE 498CR "Digitally Assisted Circuit Design"
- ECE 498HK "Advanced VLSI System Design"
Temporary Course Approvals, Fall
- ECE 298AB "Solar Car"
- ECE 398AS 398AS "Programming Methods for Machine Learning"
- ECE 398KF "Quantum Systems I"
- ECE 398RI "Fields and Waves VR Lab"
- ECE 498EC "Quantum Information Processing Theory"
- ECE 498SB "Manioulating Quantum Systems"
- ECE 498VS "Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility"
- ECE 498NS "Deep Learning in Hardware"
- ECE 498HK "Advanced VLSI System Design"
Permanent Course Approvals
- ECE 293 Complex Linear Algebra406 “Quantum Optics and Devices"
- ECE 405 "Quantum Systems II" (Manipulating Quantum Systems)
- ECE 404 "Quantum Information Processing Theory"
Course Change Approvals
- ECE 411 pre-requisites modified to include ECE 385484 "Principles of Safe Autonomy" designated as software laboratory
Technical Electives
- AE 199 SAT, ATMS 201, CPSP 265, PSYC 204, CHEM 102/103
Interdepartmental Collaboration
- Strategic Plan for UIUC Robotics EducationApproved: BIOE 485, STAT 425, CS 437
- Not Approved: IBE 362, IE 340
Technical Electives and Advanced Computing Electives
- List of Courses Approved and Disapproved for Technical Elective and/or Advanced Computing Credit in the ECE Department/wiki/spaces/ececurrcom/pages/43778295
- https://ece.illinois.edu/academics/ugrad/curriculum/tech-electives-06.asp
Agendas and Minutes of Meetings
- Minutes 04/25/2022
- Meeting April 25, 2022
- Minutes 04/04/2022
- Meeting April 4, 2022
- Minutes 03/28/2022
- Meeting March 28, 2022
- Minutes 03/21/2022
- Meeting March 21 2022
- Minutes 03/07/2022, Minutes 03/07/2022 -
- Meeting March 7, 2022
- Minutes 02/28/2022
- Meeting February 28, 2022
- Minutes 02/14/2022
- Meeting February 14, 2022
- Meeting February 14, 2022 - 3:00pm (via Zoom)
- Minutes 12/13/2021
- Meeting December 13, 2021
- Minutes 12/6/2021
- Meeting December 6, 2021
- Minutes 11/29/2021
- Meeting November 29, 2021
- Minutes 11/8/2021
- Meeting November 8, 2021
- Minutes 11/1/2021
- Meeting November 1, 2021
- Minutes 10/25/2021
- Meeting October 25, 2021
- Meeting October 18, 2021
- Minutes 10/11/2021
- Minutes 10/4/2021
- Minutes 9/27/2021
- Minutes 9/20/2021
- Minutes 9/13/2021
Past Years
- 2020-2021 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2019-2020 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2018-2019 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2017-2018 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2016-2017 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2015-2016 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2014-2015 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2013-2014 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2012-2013 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2011-2012 ECE Curriculum Committee
- 2010-2011 ECE Curriculum Committee
- Copy on Erhan Kudeki's server - back to 2002
- AE 199 SAT, ATMS 201, CPSP 265, PSYC 204, CHEM 102/103