In Attendance
Jont Allen, Arijit Banerjee, Ivan Dokmanic, Peter Dragic, Kejie Fang, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Raluca Ilie, Minjoo Larry Lee, Kirill Levchenko, Sayan Mitra, Umberto Ravaioli
Time and Place
Wednesday, August 29, 15:00-16:00, ECEB 5070.
New Business
- Tech Elective: Math 532, Analytic Theory of Numbers. Temporary Course: ECE 498-KL: e-Crime and Service Abuse
- When: Fall 2018, second half
- Documentation:
- Approved 11-0
- Temporary Course: ECE 298-CLA: Complex Linear Algebra.
- When: Spring 2019, first or second half of the semester.
- Documentation: SyllabusComplexLinAlg-ComplexLinAlgFor210-V1.0V3.pdf, Syllabus-ComplexLinAlg-V3.pdf
- Approved 11-0