Masters Equivalent Coursework if Applicable (32 credit hours)
Students are often admitted to the PhD program with an applicable MS/MA and can proceed directly to Stage II; however, if you were admitted directly from a BS/BA degree, you will need to complete these 32 credit hours of MS coursework. The MS Equivalent coursework can be found in the PhD Degree Requirementsrequirements for Industrial Engineering and Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering.
Please understand that we are not overly rigid that you must complete ALL aspects of these 32 credit hours; however, it is highly recommended that you have the Masters equivalent coursework done by the time you complete your qualifying exams. While we anticipate you will pass the exams, you are not able to continue with the PhD program if you do not. Therefore, it is highly advised you have the Masters equivalent coursework complete in case you must exit the PhD program with your Masters.
- research the advisors in your research area
- learn what the faculty in your research area via their faculty webpage. You can also view this faculty research listing. videos about each faculty member's research.
- meet with faculty members you are interested in working with
- submit an Advisor Agreement no later than Reading Day of their first semester of your program (students on a full fellowship during their first year may extend this deadline to the end of their 2nd term–not including summer). The advisor agreement may be severed at any time by the faculty member or the student. If you wish to terminate your advisor agreement, you must submit the advisor agreement termination request.
- Decision and Control
- SE 320 (Control Systems)
- SE 424 (State Space Design for Control)
- SE 520 (Analysis of Nonlinear Systems – Crosslisted as ECE 528/ME 546/)
- Study Materials
- Design and Manufacturing
- SE 413 (Engineering Design Optimization)
- Choose 2 -- IE 546 (Human Factors in Health Care Engineering Systems; temporarily approved for Fall 2021 & Spring 2022), SE 410 (Component Design), SE 411 (Reliability Engineering), SE 412 (Nondestructive Evaluation), SE 450 (Decision Analysis I), SE 530 (Multiattribute Decision Making)
- Study Materials
- Operations Research
- IE 410 (Advanced Topics in Stochastic Processes & Applications)
- IE 411 (Optimization of Large Systems)
- Choose 1 -- IE 510 (Applied Nonlinear Programming), IE 511 (Integer Programming), IE 512 (Networking Analysis of Systems), or IE 521 (Convex Optimization)
- Study Materials