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The following information applies to all ISE Graduate Students – both MS and PhD. You should also view the MS and PhD specific pages for further policies and information as they relate to each program.


If you are unsure whether you should submit an internal petition, please reach out to

ISE Department Grade Policy

The ISE department minimum grade to be earned in order for a course to count as credit toward the degree must be a C- or above. When a graduate student repeats a course, all hours and grades count toward the cumulative graduate GPA. Under extenuating circumstances, a student may petition to count the credit hours for a course in which they have earned a grade of D by submitting an Internal Petition. Petitions are reviewed by the students advisor and the department and are not guaranteed to be approved. 

Course Registration

All course registration is done through Student Self-Service. Visit the Office of the Registrar's page for Instructions on how to register. Please note that we prefer "enhanced" registration over classic registration -- either option will ultimately let you register, though. 


Please note that all students who have a thesis advising agreement on file must sign up for thesis credit for each semester you're enrolled as a student (excluding summer if not a required semester; see Courseload/Full-Time Status above for more information on whether or not summer is a required term for you). 

CPT (Curricular Practical Training)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) may be authorized under certain circumstances to allow F-1 students temporary off-campus employment. Such employment must be directly related to a student's major field of study and an integral or important part of the program of study. This is offered during the Summer semester only for non-thesis MS students. CPT is available in the Fall or Spring semesters to PhD and thesis MS students only. There will be no exceptions made.

International Student and Scholars Services (ISSS) holds workshops and provides individual advising about F-1 work authorization. Click here for more information about CPT.

Annual Review

The Graduate College requires departments to perform annual reviews on all students, both MS and PhD. Students are required to submit a self-evaluation early in the spring term. The advisor will then be required to submit an evaluation of the student. Any students needing special attention will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Students will be notified when the annual review is open, usually at the end of the fall or beginning of the spring term.

Conference Funding

Grainger Engineering has changed their policies regarding travel reimbursement. To be considered for reimbursement, you must complete a travel request in the my.Engr Travel Portal prior to your trip! 

ISE Graduate Programs Funding

ISE Graduate Programs will reimburse conference travel up to $500 per academic year to the students who are presenting their thesis research. The student will be reimbursed for funds they have individually paid. The department cannot reimburse faculty from the ISE account who have paid for costs of the students ahead of time. Requests for ISE Conference Funding are handled on a rolling basis with no deadline. Please follow the below steps any time you travel for a conference and wish to be reimbursed:

  1. Before your trip: Complete a travel request in the my.Engr Travel Portal. 
    1. You will need the “CFOP” account number for your advisor (if receiving funding from them), and the ISE Graduate Studies Department. E-mail for the department CFOP. (Note: these numbers change every semester, make sure you are using one that is up-to-date.) 
    2. IMPORTANT: This step must be completed any time you travel and wish to be reimbursed from any University account. Even if you have used up your ISE Department Funding for the year, if you are expecting reimbursement from your advisor's funding, this step must be completed. 
  2. Before your trip: Complete an internal ISE Conference Funding Petition. 
  3. Save all receipts from your trip; conference registration fees, airline tickets, hotel reservations, rideshare services, etc. 
  4. After your trip: fill out a Travel Itinerary Reimbursement Form. 
  5. After your trip: email your completed Travel Itinerary Reimbursement Form and all receipts to Miranda Bullok ( - she will make sure you have completed all necessary steps and forward to the appropriate parties for reimbursement. 
  6. Make sure you have Andrea Anderson-Holmes ( added as a delegate in Chrome River. (Steps to add a delegate here.) 

OPTIONAL: To be considered for nomination for the Graduate College Travel Award, fill out a Conference Travel Award Form. (This award is very limited funding, nominations are open for a specific time period in the Fall and Spring, and only awarded to a maximum of four students per semester.) 

Important notes:

  • Reimbursements are available to PhD students and thesis MS students who are presenting at conferences – poster sessions or presentations. Funding is not currently available to students who are only attending.  
  • Non-thesis MS students are not eligible for any conference funding reimbursement.  
  • The department cannot reimburse faculty for student conference travel costs.  
  • Reimbursements can only be given to those who directly pay for services. For example, if you are splitting a hotel with another student, only the student whose credit card is used to pay for the hotel can be reimbursed. 
  • Up to $500 can be reimbursed per academic year-- Fall through Summer. 
  • For international travel: you must enroll in international travel insurance using the applicable university-based travel and coverage website. Failure to enroll in international travel insurance may result in non-reimbursement of travel expenses. See details here.
  • For questions about the status of your reimbursement after it has been submitted, contact Andrea Anderson-Holmes ( 

Graduate College Funding

The Graduate College has Conference Presentation Awards twice per year (fall & spring). Please visit the Graduate College Travel Award page for more information. Departments must submit the documentation on your behalf, so please submit a Conference Funding Petition internal petition first. 

ISE Graduate Programs Funding

ISE Graduate Programs will support conference registration up to $500 for students who are presenting their thesis research. If you would like to apply for these funds, submit an application through the Conference Funding Petition. Requests for ISE Conference Funding are handled on a rolling basis with no deadlinein additional to the normal steps for conference funding above, please fill out a Graduate College Travel Award Form.

My.ISE Portal

Most of the forms you use as an ISE Grad Student can be found through the My.ISE Portal. We have linked to them where applicable, but you can become familiar with them by visiting the links below. Please note that some forms do require that you login with your NetID and password. 
