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October 12, 2010

Present:  Tangul Basar, Bishop, Choquette, Dominguez-Garcia, Hu, Jones, Kudeki, Leburton, Lumetta, Makela, Mitra


The committee then discussed the content and organization of ECE 190 and 290.  One question raised was whether ECE 190 could be streamlined by having a less comprehensive coverage of LC3 while still maintaining a simple discussions discussion of machine language and assembly language codes and their relation to high level programming.  Another topic discussed was whether programming and gate level implementation issues could be covered in a tightly coordinated and orchestrated versions of revised ECE 190 and 290.

A consensus from this meeting was The committee also discussed a suggestion that, rather than taking a purely top-down or purely bottom-approach to teaching the material, a preferred approach would may consist of several cycles of going back and forth between the bottom and top levels (in a "just in time" fashion) over the two course sequence.
