Meeting November 14, 2022 - 2:00pm (via Zoom)
Discussion on the upcoming ABET review
We are now at the midpoint of the present ABET review cycle and it is time to start the various processes needed to be ready for the next review in Fall 2025. The Curriculum Committee is tasked with several steps for possible update of stated objectives and review of data collected by the department.
Review of course revision/new course
- The curriculum committee approved during last academic year to advance ECE 398 RI "Fields and Waves: Virtual Reality Laboratory" submitted by Raluca Ilie, for permanent number by revising the existing ECE 328. During the approval process, the College of Engineering has determined that, since ECE 328 had been dormant for too long, the Provost office requests submission as new course rather than a course modification.
Minutes 11/7/2022Meeting March 20, 2023
Courses proposed for addition to the non-ECE Technical Electives list:
- GGIS 407 / GEOG 407 "Foundations of CyberGIS & Geospatial Data Science" - Intended to introduce students to CyberGIS – Geospatial Information Science and Systems (GIS) based on advanced cyberinfrastructure as well as the state of the art in high-performance computing, big data, and cloud computing in the context of geospatial data science. This course is also part of various completely online graduate/certificate programs of the Department of Geography & Geographic Information Science At the last meeting in Fall 2022, the committee discussed preliminarly possible inclusion in the non-ECE tech elective list. More detaled information and one example of work executed in one of the lab assignments was received in the meantime from the course instructor.
Syllabus Example: Lab 6