Jont Allen, Ujjal Bhowmik, Zuofu Cheng, Eric Chitambar, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Wei He, Andrew Miller, Sayan Mitra, Umberto Ravaioli, Yang Zhao
Time and Place
Wednesday 12/11/2019, 13:00, ECEB 5070
New Business
- Permanent Course Proposal: Data Science and EngineeringAnalytics. ECE498-syllabus july 2019.pdf, Permanent Course Request Data Science and Analytics.docxWhich courses do our students take, and when? Analysis of available data. ce-timing.pptx, ee-timing.pptx, observations-2019.pptxHow many of our students graduate? CE-graduation-rates-AY-2011-2016.pdf, EE-graduation-rates-AY-2011-2016.pdf Status: Approved