Meeting September 28, 2023
Requests for inclusion in the list of non-ECE technical electives
- CEE 412 “High Speed Rail Engineering” Syllabus
- CS 498 "Mobile Robotics" - Normally, ECE does not accept temporary offerings to be included in the list of approve non-ECE technical Electives, but this request is presented to the Curriculum Committee for due diligence.
- Charge Letter to the Curriculum Committee from the ECE Department Head
Request for Course Revision
- ECE 340 "Semiconductor Electronics" has currently the following prerequisites: ECE 210; PHYS 214; credit or concurrent registration in ECE 329. The proposal submitted by John Dallesasse seeks to change the prerequisites to: ECE 205 or ECE 210; PHYS 214. Motivation of the request is to facilitate enrollment of students from other majors who are pursuing the Grainger College Semiconductor Minor.