- ECE 298AB Solar Car approved for spring 2020 (9/11/2019)
- ECE 498SM Principles of Safe Autonomy ece498autonomy-ver2.pdf. Status: approved for spring 2020 (10/2/2019)
- ECE 498JZ Elements of IC Design 498JZ_FA2020_signed.pdf. Status: approved for spring 2020 (10/2/2019).
- ECE 498ICC IoT and Cognitive Computing. Status: approved for spring 2020 (10/9/2019) and as an EE lab course.
- ECE 498AA Neuromorphic VLSI Design. Status: approved for spring 2020 (11/21/2019).
- ECE 498NSU: Deep Learning in Hardware. shanbhag-598-course-proposal-F20.doc, shanbhag-498-course-proposal-F20.doc, DL-in-HW-lessons.pdf. Status: Approved for fall 2020 (3/2/2020).
- ECE 498AF: Microwave Vacuum Electronic Devices. ECE498AF-MVED.docx. Status: Approved for fall 2020 (3/2/2020).
- ECE 498GP: Fourier Optics. ECE498_Syllabus_final.docx, New Banner Course Outline_ECE498.doc. Status: the second offering of this temporary course, fall semester 2020, is approved (3/9/2020).
- ECE 398RI, intended to eventually be offered as ECE 328 "Fields and Waves Virtual Reality Laboratory." ECE398-RIlie.doc, ECE398_Syllabus_Ilie.pdf, approved for fall semester 2020 (5/4/2020)
Permanent Course Approvals
- ECE 298AB Solar Car approved for a permanent course number (9/11/2019)
- ECE 498DSA Data Science and Analytics approved for a permanent course number (12/11/2019)
- ECE 484 (was ECE 498SM) Safe Autonomy approved for a permanent course number (4/2027/2020) and as an EE lab course.
Technical Electives and Advanced Computing Electives
- List of Courses Approved and Disapproved for Technical Elective and/or Advanced Computing Credit in the ECE Department/wiki/spaces/ececurrcom/pages/43778295
- https://ece.illinois.edu/academics/ugrad/curriculum/tech-electives-06.asp