2. Information item: The result of the faculty vote regarding the proposed change in the EE curriculum was 44 approve and 13 not approve. The change passed.
3. The remainder bulk of the meeting was spent discussing the course 398BD that will be offered next semester. The course coordinator, Pramod Viswanath, joined the meeting for the discussion. (The course was approved by email vote of the committee in early November.) There was consensus that the course objectives, topics, and approach are worthwhile. Most of the discussion focused on the title of the course, "Making sense of big data." The course focuses on data collection and analysis for some rather large data sets, but the data storage and analysis is not focused on data so massive that it has to be distributed over large server farms as in a cloud system. The group did not settle on an alternative title, but there was a sense that the question of title could use some further thoughtis unsettled.
4. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.