Versions Compared


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  • The meeting was called to order at 2:04pm.
  • Minutes from January 26, 2016 were approved.
  • Kudeki brought up handling CS498 courses as tech electives.  He looked through offering with Schmitz and will accept two on the list, but in general these courses would not be approved until they are "regular courses."
  • The committee discussed ECE 498YL.
    • The provided material was identical to the current offering of ECE498RS, which was approved last semester.
    • Lu had indicated to Makela that she believed the enrollment in ECE498RS was strong this semester.
    • The committee expressed concern about offering the same 498 course in back-to-back semester, as it does not allow time to develop the course and respond to any issues that occur in the original offering.
      • Schmitz asked if the summer was enough time to reflect and address any issues.
      • Kudeki asked if there was a specific reason why the course needed to be offered in the fall, rather than waiting a semester.  Makela will ask this question of Lu.
  • The committee deferred approving the course until Makela hears from Lu.
  • The committee discussed the charge the committee received from Sanders regarding examining how are curriculum is deliver.
    • There was broad discussion about what the committee was actually charged with doing and how progress should be made.
    • Kudeki brought us a concern that the committee had not received information from people who research in this area.  Makela reminded the committee of the discussion and report Varshney and Makela had with Khalick from the College of Education.
    • Kiruba asked why flipped lectures, for example, had not been implemented in 110.  Schmitz responded that there are enough doubts about the efficacy of flipping and flipping a class requires a significant investment of resources.
    • The survey that Minin has put together was discussed.  The response rate has been low, so the committee agreed to fill out the survey by the next meeting. Kudeki would also remind the 1xx and 2xx instructors to fill out the survey.
    • Bayram volunteered to get in touch with Laura Hahn of AE3 and invite her to a future meeting.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:51pm.

Action Items

  •  Makela to discuss with Lu regarding reasons for offering 498 in consecutive semesters and then make approval decision on behalf of the committee.  Lu responded that she had planned to teach her grad-level 598 course on similar topics, but the 498 syllabus contains much of the material and so she will teach the 498 course, instead.  After discussing with Kudeki, it was decided to approve the course for Fall 2016.